Pharma and Life Sciences

Pharmaceutical and life sciences industry requires high precision measurement instrumentation with safety norms suitable for Zone 1 and 2. 

  • Batch transfer of liquids from barrels to building reactor tanks
  • Solvent repackaging from barrels to containers
  • Flow measurement of purified water
  • Flow measurement of DM water and RO water
  • Batching of solvents to reactors in precise quantities


Fluidyne’s PD meter based systems are ideal for measurement of purified water for WFI and solvents. Magnetic flowmeters are not suitable for non-conductive liquids and Coriolis flowmeters are too expensive and do not offer direct volumetric measurement. Solvent and chemical batching to reactors is the most important part of creation of pharma drugs and it is imperative that liquids be added in highly precise quantities in a mix so that resulting solution is stable.

product highlights

  • Safe operation in hazardous areas 316L and 304 MOCs as standard
  • 316L and 304 MOCs as standard
  • Use of special plastics for piston resilience and compatibility
  • Repeatability of better than 0.1%

typical applications

  • Reactor batching units
  • Batching multiple solvents from a common system
  • Dosing of solvents with a common manifold and dual stage valve
  • Solvent repackaging


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